“The Butler Team” recently won the three-man draft horse shoeing competition at the Four Corners Contest in Castle Rock, Colorado. The horses were well behaved and were owned by a carriage company in Denver. (Apparently there are nine carriage companies in Denver). We drew a Shire horse with beautiful feet that stood perfectly. Everything went […]
Last month we shod the horses and mules at Fort Robinson State Park for the first time this season. We have been shoeing them for the last three years. They have draft horse teams, mule teams, and saddle horses used for the stage coach, tour wagons, and short and long trail rides in the Soldier […]
It’s important to realize that our present situation is a result of our past activities and decisions regarding the challenges that confront us. Many people tend to focus on the past instead of the future. They think about what could have been or should have been. Because they spend their present in the past, they […]
The royal wedding in England has captured the attention and imagination of the world. As I watched, Adam Smith’s statement in The Wealth of Nations came to mind, “The chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches….” In spite of the occurrence of other significant world events, “the story book event” took precedence. […]
A recent Gallop poll reported by CNN and USA Today revealed that 61% of currently employed Americans, if given the choice, would rather own their own business, rather than work for someone else. Only 38% said they would rather work for someone else. Yet, at the moment, only 10% of adults are self-employed. Why? Unfortunately, […]
January brings a renewed hope for personal and family progress in the new year. Starting with New Year’s resolutions, this is the time of year when people tend to set goals and make commitments. Using this traditional time of the year to evaluate the past and plan for the future are worthwhile, healthy pursuits. However, […]
I was invited by Guy Karsh, a former student, to go to Israel to do a clinic for farriers and equine veterinarians. My wife and I traveled there and gave a two and a half day program the last part of November. There were 30 farriers, 27 vets and 33 horse owners in attendance at […]
Driving horseshoe nails accurately, consistently and safely is a difficult task for the beginner. Some persons have abandoned horseshoeing altogether and become barefoot advocates because of their lack of confidence and skill in this area. It’s sort of like throwing out the baby with the bath. There are times when nothing but nailing on shoes […]
Punching a horseshoe nail hole that is clean so the nail fits tight and is safe for the horse is an art that must be perfected to be useful and practical. The hole must be positioned over the outside of the white line to be safe. The hole should have pitch to match the angle […]
What value is farrier certification? If the horse owning public doesn’t know what it is, how difficult it is to do the accurate work necessary to obtain it, and the value it has for their horse(s) – it has little value. If it becomes nothing more than a fraternity initiation which includes hazing, it has […]
Butler Professional Horseshoeing School
495 Table Road
Crawford, NE 69339
(800) 728-3826
If you think you want to become a farrier (or know someone who does), this book can help you make that decision. Horse owners will learn the importance of choosing a qualified farrier and how to select the “right” one.
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