by Doug Butler PhD, CJF, FWCF Butler Professional Farrier School Every so often we hear a practicing farrier or farrier student say, as they attempt to explain away their poor performance and inferior workmanship, “Oh, it’s good enough!” We then ask, “Good enough for who?” “Good enough for what?”
Doug Butler PhD, CJF, FWCF Butler Professional Farrier School Each one of us needs to face the fact that we are not going to live forever. We don’t know when our number will be up. Are you prepared for this eventuality? Are you at peace with yourself and your God? Have you conveyed your feelings of affection to those that are close to you? Have you taught your children life skills? Have you done your homework and put your financial affairs in order?
There are few things that can compare to the soul refreshment that can be felt when riding a good horse in natural surroundings. Yet a lame horse can cast a dark cloud over what should be a rewarding experience.
©2013 Doug Butler PhD, CJF, FWCF Butler Professional Farrier School "Saying the final goodbye to a beloved family friend of the equine variety can be very heart-rending. If that sad time can be delayed, and several more happy useful years added, everyone rejoices."
©2013 Doug Butler PhD, CJF, FWCF Butler Professional Farrier School We all are guilty of shooting ourselves in the foot once in a while. Perhaps it would be good to review some of the unique ways farriers do this to themselves. Much of the adversity we face in our lives is of our own making. Here are some of things that I have observed over my 50 years of teaching that have derailed the careers of some potentially very successful farrier students. They have neglected one or more of the following:
©2013 Doug Butler PhD, CJF, FWCF Butler Professional Farrier School Much of what one sees and hears about through today's media is so obviously slanted and one-sided, misleading and possibly harmful as to cause us to question all claims made by marketers. There seems to be a concerted effort to make truth a matter of majorities - the correctness of an idea is measured by the number of persons who can be induced to adopt it. The uninformed are easily manipulated.
Foaling season is just around the corner. A question often asked by horse owners and farriers relates to the hoof care of mares about to foal or those that have foaled. When and how should they be trimmed?
Since horses can make a difference in our lives, and even change us, it is worth considering the real value of horses. Some are valued at thousands of dollars – some are not. While most highly trained and well bred horses are sold by private treaty or at special production sales, a large number are still sold at auction barns.
Off-set knees or bench knee conformation is a common problem encountered by farriers. Horses with this conformation will not stay sound unless their hooves are frequently balanced due to unequal weight distribution over the knee joints.
Recent events have taken a toll on various horse people and animals through this extraordinary drought and fire season that we have experienced in the West. This has prompted people to reexamine their commitment to insurance protection. This could include property, liability, care, custody and control, and equine accident and/or life insurance. Property insurance is required by mortgage companies if […]
Butler Professional Horseshoeing School
495 Table Road
Crawford, NE 69339
(800) 728-3826
If you think you want to become a farrier (or know someone who does), this book can help you make that decision. Horse owners will learn the importance of choosing a qualified farrier and how to select the “right” one.
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